Houghton Lake is Michigan's largest inland lake. It is an extraordinary resource that provides fishing, boating, swimming, and other recreational opportunities to thousands of people who use and enjoy the lake. Houghton Lake is an important part of the local economy.
Recognizing the need to effectively manage Houghton Lake, the Houghton Lake Improvement Board was established in 2000 under provisions of Michigan's Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. In accordance with state law, the lake board is composed of a representative of each of the four townships that border the lake, a county commissioner, the county drain commissioner, and a lakefront property owner. Several members of the Houghton Lake Improvement Board are lake residents. The Lake Board has made the coordinated management of Houghton Lake possible.
In response to Lake Levels and Dam Repairs, HLIB is not the agency that addresses those issues. Please go to the website put together by Roscommon County, www.roscommonlakelevels.net
Roscommon County GIS map site. The HLIB assessment district is now available on this website and features parcel numbers and property owner names. In the upper right-hand corner of page click on the layer's icon. When the drop-down menu opens select the maps you wish to see. The assessment district maps are labeled "milfoil". Simply zoom in for information for parcel details.
Houghton Lake Improvement Board
P.O. Box 843
Houghton Lake, MI 48629